
We are urging Prosecutor Scott Shellenberger
To “PLEASE DO YOUR JOB”. Stand up with me and be
the voice for Justice for Joseph.

A homicide by assault is certainly a crime. An assault alone Is a felony and to the point of death is murder/manslaughter. However, the Baltimore County Prosecutor, Scott Shellenberger, opposes the expert conclusion by the Medical Examiners and he tells us that a homicide by assault does not rise to the

Joseph Miranda
Joseph Miranda was a loving, caring, faith filled, compassionate young man. He loved his family, friends and had so many dreams and aspirations. He was horrifically killed at the age of nineteen.

On July 20th, 2006, we feel that Joseph was brutally shoved/pushed into an oncoming reversing Bobcat and crushed to death. He was a foreman for a landscaping company at the time.

We feel that the co-worker, the spotter, intentionally assaulted Joseph and killed him. The Medical Examiners studied all the facts, physics, crime scene photographs, reconstruction and evidence. They confirm Joseph’s death is a “homicide by an assault”. We feel that they know Paul Godwin killed Joseph Miranda and how.

The Baltimore County Police and Prosecutor oppose the expert conclusion by the Medical Examiners and tell us that a homicide by an assault is not a crime. This is outrageous and unconscionable.  

The police and prosecutor take an oath to exercise their duty, not to obstruct and violate it. 

We urge that the Baltimore County Prosecutor, Scott Shellenberger, re-open Joseph Miranda’s case and process it for what it is…..A HOMICIDE BY AN ASSAULT.

An arrest must be made and a trial held in a court of law. We have been fighting for justice for almost fourteen years now. Enough is Enough and Joseph’s Voice must be heard.

By doing this, we will together shed a light on the extreme pattern of misconduct and make sure that no fabrication of evidence is ever accepted. Let us make the necessary CHANGE now!

Thank you for signing this petition and standing up for truth, transparency and justice.